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Travelog :.

Travel is the fuel that drives our practice. We believe that the more we travel, the more flexible we become, the more understanding of people and more appreciative of little everyday things around us. The best part of our travels are the stories we come back with.


Dialog :.

Dialogue or conversation is vital to our practice; whether it be between the two partners or with the studio team, with the client or the contractor or with the craftspeople who work on our projects. We believe multiple points of view help make a project richer. Teaching design studios at various schools of architecture along with our practice has also helped us keep our feet on the ground and our heads in the clouds. 

More dialogs


Ecolog :.

The city and the environment we work in is precious to us. We are connected to it in multifarious ways and it has played a stellar role in shaping us as architects, thinkers and designers. We believe in a green practice and look towards sustainable solutions; however small the problem might be. We work with various environmental solution consultancies to make sure that our projects tread lightly on the city and the environment around us.


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